Fun Facts
About Horses

A male horse is called a Stallion. or Gelding
A female horse is called a Mare.
A baby horse is called a Foal – A girl foal is called a Filly – A boy foal is called a Colt.
Horse gestation period is11 months.
The Equine family includes: miniature horses, ponies, horses, donkeys, mules, hinnies, and zebras.
Horses have large eyes and excellent vision. They can see as well at night as they can during the day.
Equine are highly social animals. They live in family groups that join together into a herd.
Equine have strong teeth, 44 in all. Their back molars never stop growing and need to be filed down periodically. You can tell the age of a horse by its teeth.
Equine are called “odd toed” animals because they only have 1 hoof on each foot. Their hooves need to be trimmed every few months.
Spanish conquistadors brought horses to the Americas in 1519. Some were left behind and eventually made it to the US where Indians began to use them.
A pony is defined as a horse that has a height of less than 14.2 hands or 58 inches. Miniature horses cannot be taller than 34 inches at the withers.
A horse’s height is measured in “hands”. One “hand” is equal to 4 inches. If a horse is 15 hands, then it is 60 inches tall. Measurement is taken from the hoof to the top of the shoulder which is called the withers.