Fun Facts
About Goats!

A male goat is called a Buck or a Gelding.
A female goat is called a Doe or Nanny.
A baby goat is called a Kid – A girl kid is called a Doeling - A boy kid is called a Buckling.
Goat gestation period is 5 months. Most goats give birth to 2 - 3 kids.
The adult size of goats varies greatly. There are over 100 breeds of goats!
Goats are cud chewing animals or RUMINANTS with a 4-chambered stomach.
Goats are generally friendly animals, intelligent, curious, mischievous, and playful.
Goats are raised for their Fiber, Meat, Milk and as Companion Animals and Pets.
Millions more people in the world drink goat’s milk than cow’s milk. It is much easier to digest.
Goats produce an average of 1 gallon of milk per day for 8-10 months of the year.
Most goats (except Angora goats) produce cashmere. But Cashmere Goats have been bred to produce more than other goats. And even a Cashmere Goat will only produce about 4 oz of fiber per year!
Goats are one of the oldest domesticated animals.
Goats can differentiate between happy and unhappy human faces. And they have been found to prefer happy faces!
Research has found that goats will attempt to solve problems they encounter, and when they are not able, they will look to a human to help with the issue.
Goats have rectangular pupils.
Goats see purples, blues, and greens best. They can also see oranges and yellows, but are dichromats, so can’t distinguish as well between those colors.
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